
Second Circuit Grants STP’s Motion

All of FERC’s Orders to Constitution Are Vacated

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Tell Cuomo to Keystone the Constitution Pipeline!

Join thousands of New Yorkers and call Governor Cuomo at 877-235-6537. Tell him to “Keystone the Constitution!” The gas industry is putting a lot of pressure on Governor Cuomo and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to approve plans for the proposed Constitution Pipeline before the end of 2015 so they can cut down 700,000 trees this winter. Instead of doing what the industry wants, Governor Cuomo should follow President Obama's lead and “Keystone the Constitution!” The 124-mile-long Constitution pipeline poses many of the same risks as the Keystone XL pipeline. Both would contribute to climate change and encourage the extraction of fossil fuels. Both would require the export of fossil fuel in order to be profitable. Act Now! Call today.

By |December 9th, 2015|Categories: , |Tags: |Comments Off on Tell Cuomo to Keystone the Constitution Pipeline!


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To preserve and enhance the rural heritage and pristine environment of central New York State, and north central Pennsylvania, by ensuring the purity of its air, water, and soil, the health of its inhabitants, the resilience of its ecosystems, and the capacity of the area to be self-sustaining.

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