
Second Circuit Grants STP’s Motion

All of FERC’s Orders to Constitution Are Vacated

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Stop a Pipeline for Fracked Gas — NY Times Op-Ed By Karenna Gore

The Clean Water Act gives the New York Department of Environmental Conservation the power to deny a water-quality certificate to projects that do not meet its water-quality standards. There is ample reason to do so. . . . The Constitution Pipeline is the wrong delivery system, using the wrong fuel, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. It promises benefits it can’t deliver, and will bring costs it neglects to calculate ­ to water, wildlife, family farms, tourism and, yes, the earth’s atmosphere. This month, New Yorkers should let the water guide us ­ and say no.

By |April 15th, 2016|Categories: |0 Comments

RFK Jr. among Constitution Pipeline protesters

"You know what this pipeline is about," Kennedy said. "This is not about making America a better place; it's about enriching a few billionaires and shareholders of these companies." "We won this battle on fracking in New York state," Kennedy said. "Governor Cuomo has shown his national leadership on that issue."

By |April 7th, 2016|Categories: |0 Comments

Anti-pipeline activists rally ahead of expected DEC decision

"If Governor Cuomo doesn't say 'no' to the Constitution pipeline, it's like signing a death warrant for New York's water," said Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch. . . . "Those who attended Tuesday's rally criticized the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for its consistent approval of pipeline projects. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance and the Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, said the federal agency was a "sock puppet for the oil and gas industry."

By |April 7th, 2016|Categories: |0 Comments


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To preserve and enhance the rural heritage and pristine environment of central New York State, and north central Pennsylvania, by ensuring the purity of its air, water, and soil, the health of its inhabitants, the resilience of its ecosystems, and the capacity of the area to be self-sustaining.

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